Overactive Bladder? Look Into These Causes

Overactive bladder can be quite a nuisance to deal with. You just get settled at your desk or at the table, and you have to get up and go — again!  There are plenty of ways to deal with an overactive bladder, but it's usually wise to start by figuring out the root cause. By doing so, you can do a better job of treating and managing the condition at its source. Work with your doctor to explore these possible causes of overactive bladder.

Neurological Conditions

Sometimes overactive bladder can be an early sign of a neurological condition, such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson's. The nerve endings in and around your bladder may be sensing that it is full when it is really not, triggering your brain to make you feel as though you have to urinate. Your doctor may want to conduct a few neurological tests and interview you about other symptoms — such as tremors, clumsiness, loss of coordination, or tingling in your extremities — which may further indicate a neurological condition.


Overactive bladder is not a menopause symptom you hear about all the time, like hot flashes or night sweats, but it can be a sign of menopause nonetheless. The changes in hormone levels can cause you to lose tension in your pelvic floor, leading to an overactive bladder. If your doctor feels your condition may be caused or exacerbated by menopause, they may recommend using estrogen creams or even taking hormone replacement supplements. Often, even a low dose of estrogen helps make the symptoms more manageable.

Bladder Stones

A bladder stone is basically a hard lump of calcium and other minerals that can form in the bladder over time. Symptoms include abdominal tenderness, blood in the urine, and frequent urination. If you do have bladder stones, your doctor may be able to break them up via laser treatment, allowing you to pass them in your urine. Once the stones have been passed, you should have few to no issues with an overactive bladder. Note that bladder stones are easily detected with an ultrasound, which is a painless imaging test. They're common in those who don't drink enough water and those who take a lot of mineral supplements.

You don't have to go on suffering from an overactive bladder. If you always feel like you have to urinate, reach out to your doctor and talk about these possible causes of your condition. 

For more information on the causes of an overactive bladder, contact a doctor near you.
