Are You Waking Up Tired Now That You've Entered Menopause? 3 Tips To Get A Good Night's Sleep

Menopause is a time when many women first begin to experience sleep problems. While some of these issues are linked to changing hormones, there are often other contributing factors that must be addressed to help you feel energized each day. Unfortunately, daytime fatigue caused by sleep disruptions places you at risk for car accidents, poor job performance and difficulty in making decisions during the normal course of a day. To prevent your sleep changes from having a negative impact on your life, use these tips to get to the underlying reasons for your daytime fatigue.

1. Establish a Relaxing Bedtime Routine

Insomnia is a common symptom of menopause, and it can become a vicious cycle if you lay in bed trying to force yourself to sleep. Start your journey to wellness by creating relaxing rituals before you go to bed. For instance, you could turn off your phone and read your favorite paperback novel, or you could take a warm bath before you take your sleep medicine. Either way, go to sleep shortly after your routine is finished. If you cannot fall asleep within half an hour, then get up and do something relaxing for a few minutes before trying again.

2. Take a Realistic Look at Your Schedule

Menopause tends to occur during the years when women are the most active. Right now, you may be juggling things such as a career, care for children or an elderly parent along with managing your household. While you might not be able to do much about these stresses, you can change how you handle them. 

For instance, you may be drinking caffeine to get through that end-of-the-day hump, and this stimulates your body to be unable to rest at night. Alternatively, you may be skimping on your exercise routine that used to help burn off your energy. Make healthy habits a priority during this time of your life to ensure that stress doesn't affect your sleep.

3. Check for Underlying Physical Causes

If you feel like you sleep through the night but still wake up tired, then a sleep clinic can help you identify possible physical reasons for the daytime fatigue. For instance, many women experience frequent waking through the night in menopause that may last just long enough to disrupt your sleep. However, these instances may be so short that you forget about them by the morning.

Sleep is a priority at every stage in your life, and there is no need to let menopause rob you of your energy. By addressing the issue with a combination of home care strategies and seeking a professional sleep study, you can reestablish your ability to wake up feeling rested each day.

For more information, contact a medical office like Elkview General Hospital.
