Tips For Dealing With Your Childs Blood Sugar Testing And Injections

If you have a child with diabetes then you may struggle right along with them when it comes to them getting their blood drawn or getting their insulin injections. Since this is unfortunately a way of life for them, it's very important that you do what you can to help them get through those things in a stress free manner. The information here will help you to be there for them in a way that can make these things easier on them.

Ask your child who they feel the most comfortable with

You should ask your child who they feel the most comfortable with when it comes to having their blood drawn and having their injections. This should be the person who holds their hand or lets them sit on their lap when they go for the labs and the person who gives them the injections. Let them know they aren't going to hurt anyone's feelings by saying they prefer one parent, or another support person over others. This is all about them being comfortable, so you want them to be honest.

Allow your child to hold their favorite blanket, toy or other item

If your child has an item that usually helps them to calm down then you want to allow them to bring it with them when they go in for testing and when they are going to be given their injections. Just holding this item that they feel secure with can help them to focus on it and relax more.

Allow them to watch if they want

While there are some children who don't do well with watching themselves get their blood drawn or seeing the injection, there are also others who find that it actually distracts them because they watch the actual action and forget about the fact that it's happening to them. Therefore, let your child decide whether or not they do better watching or looking away.

Don't allow them to talk their way out of tests or injections

You may find yourself dealing with a very upset child that is trying everything to talk you out of taking them in for labs or giving them injections. Not only do you want to stay strong and not let them skip one for obvious health concerns, but also this will only make it harder for you to get them to accept them without arguing or crying the next time.

Contact pediatric services for more help.
