3 Tips For Pumping Breast Milk

Most mothers know that breastfeeding is one of the best things you can do for your infant child. Breast milk is full of antibodies and proteins that you simply cannot replicate in formula. However, that doesn't mean that breastfeeding is easy for every mother. Some mothers work full time, other mothers experience too much pain, or they do not enjoy breastfeeding a child. Luckily you can pump breast milk and feed the baby through a bottle. This way, the child still gets the benefits of breast milk and the mother is able to do what she needs to. Here are some things that you should know about pumping with a breast pump.

1. Pump From Different Positions

When you first learn to breastfeed, you will be instructed to nurse the child from many different positions. This is because if you only feed the child from one position at the breast, it will leave some of the milk ducts clogged, making you more susceptible to infections like mastitis. When you pump, it is no different. This is why you should be sure that you are changing the position of the pump often.

You should lay down while you pump, try using the pump upside down, or you can maneuver the breast so that it is not positioned the same direction each time you pump.

2. Push Down On The Breast While Pumping

Another way to avoid infection while pumping breast milk is to push down on the milk ducts. For example, you can take your hand in a flat position and slowly move down from the top of the breast towards the nipple while pumping. This will help to encourage all of the milk ducts in that area to fully empty. If you don't do this, you might notice a tough lump on your breast. This is a clogged milk duct and can develop into mastitis.  

3. Keep Your Baby Close

One of the hardest things mothers experience while pumping is that they can't let down. The let down happens when the mother's body discovers it is time for baby to eat. The woman's body, without any force from the mother, lets the milk down. When you are pumping, this can be hard because the baby is not actually sucking. Thus, you should try to keep your baby close if possible. If your baby is not around, look at pictures of the child, watch a video, listen to a baby cry, or do anything else that will help you to think about your hungry child to increase the chances of letting down.

These are just a couple things that you can do when you are pumping. Talk to your doctor or contact a medical supply store, such as M-D Choice Medical Supply, to discuss the advantages and things to consider when using a breast pump.
