If your wisdom teeth aren't giving you problems now, why remove them? Wisdom teeth that aren't actively causing pain or swelling are often called asymptomatic because they have not yet produced symptoms. But the operative word in this situation is "yet." Wisdom teeth usually start off as fairly benign and then get worse as you age:
1. You Have a Small Jaw
If you have a small jaw and your teeth are already tightly packed, your wisdom teeth will very likely shift your teeth as they grow. This won't always produce pain, so you may never become symptomatic -- but it's still going to make your teeth crooked and alter your bite. Later, it could cause bruxism (teeth grinding) and other related issues, due to this alteration of your bite.
2. You're Still Fairly Young
Wisdom teeth may not fully emerge until your late 20s or -- in some rare cases -- your early 30s. If you're in your early-to-mid 20s and your wisdom teeth are just now emerging, there could still be symptoms later on. In general, removing your wisdom teeth when you are younger is better than later. There is less of a chance that it could cause problems.
3. They May Disrupt The Roots of Your Other Teeth
If your wisdom teeth haven't yet erupted, they could be growing into the roots of your other teeth. Even if you can't feel this, it can be dangerous. They could damage the roots of your teeth, cut off blood flow or impact them.
4. Your Chances of Cavities Will Increase
Having wisdom teeth, even asymptomatic wisdom teeth, can vastly increase your chance of cavities. The space between the back molars and wisdom teeth is often so tight and so awkwardly placed that you cannot floss between them.
Further, the wisdom teeth themselves are usually so far back that you can't reach them to brush them properly. While there are ways that you can increase your oral hygiene, such as through the use of a water pick and mouthwash, it may be more convenient to remove them entirely.
When in doubt, you should always inquire with your dentist regarding wisdom teeth extraction. Through the use of their x-rays and visualization tools, they can research your unique situation and determine whether your teeth may cause you issues in the future. Some people can go their entire lives without extracting their wisdom teeth. Some people don't even have wisdom teeth -- they just never grow. It all depends on your personal situation.