Chiropractic Care As Complementary Therapy For Crohn's Disease

You were surprised to learn that many people seek chiropractic care for health conditions that don't necessarily involve back or neck pain. As a person suffering from Crohn's disease, that's intriguing for you, as you wonder if chiropractic treatment might reduce your aggravating symptoms. There are good reasons to believe that chiropractic therapy may be helpful. 

Chiropractic Care and Disease

Chiropractic adjustment resolves subluxations, or alterations of the vertebral bones that occur due to injury, poor posture and general wear and tear on the body. In chiropractic theory, proper alignment of the spine and balance of the musculoskeletal system allows a body to better utilize its own innate healing ability not only for pain in the spinal region, but for disease in general.  

Complementary Therapy

Many individuals with Crohn's disease and other types of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) seek treatment from alternative practitioners when conventional medical treatment is not effective enough. They may use chiropractic care as complementary therapy while continuing to follow their regular medical plan of treatment; you might consider doing the same for best results. 

Chiropractic Care and Autoimmune Disorders

Chiropractors view IBD and other autoimmune disorders as an indication of musculoskeletal imbalance and problems with the nervous system, such as compression of spinal nerves. When chiropractic adjustments resolve these problems, the immune system is stabilized.

People with a weakened or compromised immune system now have strengthened immunity. IBD, in contrast, involves an overactive immune system. Proper balance of your musculoskeletal system will calm your immune system, reduce inflammation and stop your body from overreacting to harmless bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract.

Results to Expect

Be conservative at first in your expectations for chiropractic therapy. The results of a survey of chiropractors that was published in 2002 found that these practitioners generally view their treatment as moderately effective for IBD. 

You probably won't experience a sudden remission, although that is certainly possible. Nevertheless, you may realize a significant reduction in symptoms. If this occurs, you should be able to cut back on your medication. That is beneficial since long-term use of anti-inflammatory and other prescription medication for Crohn's disease, such as corticosteroids, can have unpleasant side effects.  

If chiropractic care works to reduce your symptoms, you may want to continue with regular appointments. You also have the option of returning for an adjustment each time you start to notice symptom flareups. Chiropractic adjustment at places like Gerleman Chiropractic Office can be an effective part of your fight against Crohn's disease. 
