3 Things To Consider Before You Choose An Esthetician School

Are you thinking of becoming an esthetician? It can be a very rewarding and lucrative career. It may also offer you the opportunity to be your own boss and to make your own hours. Before you can set up shop as an esthetician, though, you'll have to go school and get licensed. Some beauty schools offer esthetician programs in conjunction with cosmetology and hair styling courses. You also may be able to find a school in your area that is only focused specifically on training estheticians.

Before you choose a school, though, it's important to do your research. The right school can have a huge impact on your career. Here are a few things to consider:

Do they help place graduates with employers? Estheticians often work in spas, beauty salons, and even stores that sell skin care products. However, not every one of those businesses has an esthetician on staff. Esthetician positions are often harder to find than, say, massage therapist or cosmetologist roles. It can be helpful if your school can help you land that first job.

Talk to the school's career placement department, but also speak with graduates. They can tell you whether the school was of benefit during their job hunt.

Do their salary projections seem realistic? If you build up a loyal client base and work out of high-dollar establishments, you could make very good money, possibly in the six-figures. However, you may not want to expect that right out of school.

If the school says that it's graduates make unreasonably high salaries in their first year, you may want to tread with caution. Good schools will show you the trajectory of your income over time and how experience can help grow your earnings. Look for a school that is clear and honest about income potential.

Do they offer continuing education? Your state may require continuing education for you to keep your license. Even if it doesn't, though, continuing education is still helpful. There are constantly new innovations with regard to skin care. By staying up to date on the latest products, treatments, and methodologies, you can demand higher rates and you may find that you're more attractive to high-dollar spas and salons.

See whether the school offers continuing education courses, either online or in-person. Also, see if you get any breaks on those classes as a graduate.

You'll likely love your career as an esthetician. You can take a great first step by choosing the best school for you. Talk to some schools in your area for more information. To learn more, contact a company like New Age Spa Institute, Inc. with any questions you have.
